A downloadable importer

This is an unofficial tool that can be used as a plugin in Godot to speed up the process of creating animations for the character generator included in this asset https://limezu.itch.io/moderninteriors.

There is no examples inside the plugin with ready spritesheets as it is a paid tool but the process is very simple I promise.


- Just one Node that only generates the animations on the editor and then can be deleted from the scene tree

- Adult animations

- Kid animations

- Possibility to choose which animations to generate

How to use

The repository with the documentation can be found on https://gitlab.com/godot-tools/character-creator-tool-importer

Release date Apr 08, 2024
Made withGodot
TagsCharacter Customization, Characters, Godot, tool
Code licenseMIT License
Average sessionA few seconds
LinksSource code


character-creator-tool-importer.7z 89 kB

Install instructions

Install and enable the plugin

For further information on the installation process on Godot go to (https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/tutorials/plugins/editor/installing_plugins.html)

Download and extract the content of the addons folder into your project plugins folder, by default it's named addons but since Godot 4.2 version you can set your custom folder for plugins so be aware of that.

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